Thursday, 27 March 2008

11 - The Wedgwoodn't Project is my prize-winning entry for the RSA Design Directions Ceramic Futures competition.

22.03.08 RSA Award Winner
I received a letter from the RSA on Saturday, telling me that my project is one of the winners of the Design Directions, Ceramic Futures competition. I have won a cash award and become a Fellow of the RSA (Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufacture and Commerce).
The award will allow me to continue working with the innovative eco-ceramic materials and technology.
My work will go on display, along with other winners, in an RSA Design Directions Awards Online Exhibition from mid May 2008 at

Wedgwoodn't & Wedgwood
Just before Easter I had a meeting with the Wedgwood Design team at Barlaston to discuss the design and production of a number of pieces for Wedgwood's 250th anniversary next year. There are still a few hurdles to cross, but it's an exciting and challenging opportunity that I'm very keen to take on (once I get my MPhil finished).

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